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Our Purpose

Keep fit, find friends

Gowalking.Com was started to link the worlds estimated 1. 2 billion fitness walkers by providing a simple way to find and join a local neighborhood walking group. Our mission is to help teach and inspire walkers so they can potentially reach new fitness levels and gain more benefits than they ever imagined. We want to help empower adults of all ages to enjoy both the physical and mental health benefits of walking with others. Joining or starting a walking club is an excellent way to meet new people, grow your current circle of friends and have fun in the great outdoors.

A group for every body

When searching for a walking group, you will find, fast walkers and slow walkers. You will find race walkers and nordic walkers. You will even find hot girl walkers and taylor swift strutters. You will find all ethnicities, genders and body types. You will find friends that have walked together for years. There will be people dealing with loneliness after a loss of a loved one or a move to a new city. There will be those who want to get fit, keep fit or increase their fitness to a new level.

Bringing people together

At gowalking.Com, we are not just a comprehensive, searchable database to help you locate walking groups. We strive to be a unifier of people and to help empower people to be happy and invigorated every day. We want to help people have fun, be socially active and bring dreams to life.


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